We Remember Your Childhood Well

4 March, 2008 at 4:07 pm (Poems) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

Nobody hurt you. Nobody turned off the light and argued
with somebody else all night. The bad man on the moors
was only a movie you saw. Nobody locked the door.Your questions were answered fully. No. That didn’t occur.
You couldn’t sing anyway, cared less. The moment’s a blur, a Film Fun
laughing itself to death in the coal fire. Anyone’s guess.

Nobody forced you. You wanted to go that day. Begged. You chose
the dress. Here are the pictures, look at you. Look at us all,
smiling and waving, younger. The whole thing is inside your head.

What you recall are impressions; we have the facts. We called the tune.
The secret police of your childhood were older and wiser than you, bigger
than you. Call back the sound of their voices. Boom. Boom. Boom.

Nobody sent you away. That was an extra holiday, with people
you seemed to like. They were firm, there was nothing to fear.
There was none but yourself to blame if it ended in tears.

What does it matter now? No, no, nobody left the skidmarks of sin
on your soul and laid you wide open for Hell. You were loved.
Always. We did what was best. We remember your childhood well.

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A Random Post About Life And Perfection.

5 February, 2008 at 10:56 pm (My Life) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

I have the feeling that im standing in front of a mirror and seeing myself for what i am for the very first time. Then i get the feeling I’m watching myself look into that mirror from a distance, so i can see myself clearly,  as-well as my reactions to myself.

Its a strange feeling.

 Like life is running away, and their is no way to pull it back, the harder i try to catch up with it, the faster it runs. Every-time I’m looking back in the mirror, and still unaccomplished, like i never achieve nothing, and all i do is mess things up.

Maybe i take what my parents say straight to heart, or maybe to seriously, but they are the only people I want to make happy in the world, they are the people i try my hardest for. I stopped trying for myself a long time ago. When I get straight A’s, they ain’t good enough, I know they expect straight A*’s, but that’s not going to happen. I already feel worthless enough, without their needed input. I don’t need their constant criticism, i feel bad enough anyway, I’m not going to meet their expectations,  so they should just drop it. So what if im not perfect? So what if i cant write in a perfectly straight line?

 I’m done with trying to be perfect. Perfection is something that cannot be made if it is not created from the start, yet perfection, once created can be destroyed all to easy. Our world, was created perfect, complete, yet it is slowly being destroyed. A human cannot be perfect, but can destroy perfect things. Maybe that’s just the way it was meant to be.

 I don’t really know what the point to the post was, but i know i have to stop trying to please everyone. Stop trying to be perfect, because it is never going to happen. Time is going to run away, and i cant stop it, but i have to make the most of it, the best i can. We all do.

Live Each Day Like It’s Your Last.

Make Every Moment Count.

Live Every Hour, Every Minute, Every Day.

Life Is What You Make It.

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My thoughts on antisocial behaviour in the UK – What i would do if i was Prime Minister.

26 January, 2008 at 9:20 pm (My Life, My Views) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

As a young person in the UK it truly annoys me how much all teenagers get stereotyped as a whole.

Yes there are large groups of teens who go out to create trouble, and are antisocial, but the behaviour is getting out of hand.

When I’m walking home, its common to see groups of teenagers on a street corner, hanging around, smoking, swearing and intimidating members of the public. When a mother and her young child, deliberately cross over the road, to get out of my way then cross back over again when i have walked past, it really annoys me. This was yesterday. I’m not antisocial, neither are most people who live where i do, but all of us get stereotyped because of a small group of people.

Which is why i have decided, if i was prime minister i would change some things.

If i was Prime Minister

  •  More fund raising for charities to help people less fortunate.
  • Cut down on Carbon emissions, and save the environment by making people recycle.
  • All rapists would get life in prison, or death penalty, which would be decided by the victim and the victims family.
  • Better support for teenage and single mums.
  • Better support for people battling addictions, including Drink, Drugs, and support with eating disorders.
  • More punishment for young people, not letting teenagers off with crime just because they are young.
  • No one leaves school with out at least 5 GCSEs, grade A*-C.
  • Raise the school leaving age to 18.
  • Ban smoking.
  • Higher pay for emergency service workers. They deserve more pay for the work they do, what they do is far more beneficial and important than football players.
  • Cut down on immigrants from other countries. Make the UK more of a society like Australia. No illegal immigrants.

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