Some Realisations

4 March, 2008 at 5:24 pm (My Life, My Views) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

I can not turn back time. No matter who I’ve lost, can never be recovered. Don’t live in the past hanging on for something that is gone, but also never give up on objects that are lost, that odd sock can always be found, no one or nothing likes to be alone, not even socks.

I can not pause time. I should grab every opportunity, not sit and wait for it to pass me by. The time waiting, looking for a definite answer and deciding could be to long, when you finally decide, the chance or opportunity could be gone.

I can make mistakes, but I cant erase them, i can apologise, try to make it right, but can never erase them. Things that have been done, things that have been said will never be gone, and somethings can stay with people for days, weeks, months, years or the whole of their life. If there is a possibility what you are about to say or do could hurt someone, don’t do it. There is enough hate in the world already, do we really need more?

I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I’m not talking about jumping off the school roof and suddenly being able to fly, not that kind of anything, that is impossible. In reality, if I really want to pass the Physics test tomorrow, I can revise, I can do my best, and with the right preparation, I can pass. If I want to be a lawyer I can, and I will. Its common to aim low, to avoid disappointment, but if your aims are low, you will never succeed to your full potential. If you aim high, but don’t succeed as much as you would like, it makes you more determined, gives you more goals to work for, and makes you more likely to succeed

I will never be perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect person. We all have our flaws. Who decides what is classed as “perfection” anyway? Faked Tanned, Barbie Blonde, Size 0 Tart? I don’t think so. Everyone is beautiful. Everyone has self worth. Everyone has their pros and cons. People should love each-other for who they really are, not for their body, fake hair, tan, nails or appearance. Its the personality that matters, and who the person is on the inside. No one will ever be perfect.


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Quotes – 12th Feb

12 February, 2008 at 7:17 pm (Quotes And Sayings) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Hold a mirror to show just what
you’ve become & read your diary
to figure out where things went wrong.

Some people just need a little help;
some just need to be forgiven.

You can hide a lot about yourself.
You can hide embarrassment,
you can hide anger,
& you can even hide shame,
but you can’t hide a smile (=

Someone asked me where I thought
heaven was, so I pointed to you
& said, “In his arms.”

You got a dream, you gotta protect it.
People can’t do something themselves,
they wanna tell you that you can’t do it.
You want something? Go get it.

Life without love is like
a tree without any leaves.

The way I feel for you, I can’t describe.
It’s almost too intense to verbalize;
essentially you’re all I’m living for.

The more you show your feelings,
the more people can find ways to hurt you.

And then he hits you with that one last promise & you want it to be the truth so bad. You’re looking in his eyes & you’re crying, saying, “He’s not lying.” But you know he is

Self-injury is a sign of distress, not madness.
We should be congratulated on
having found a way of surviving.

I’m afraid of being alone forever,
dreams not being fulfilled,
having something tragic happen,
losing someone close to me,
or just losing the sense of being alive altogether.

Darling, I would hate to ruin this because
we both know that it’s almost flawless.
But those beautiful nights don’t last forever
& a beautiful world will never exist.

When we first met, I didn’t want to get involved with anyone. I didn’t have the time or energy & I wasn’t sure that I was ready for it. But you were so good to me & I got swept up in that & little by little I found myself falling in love with you.

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