My whole world fall down

16 April, 2008 at 8:54 pm (My Life, Poems) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

The smiling face of yesterday
So innocent and sincere
What a price she had to pay
A life of pain and fear.

Running around her coloured room
A face of happiness, care free
The perfect life, you would assume
Something that would never be.

Only 5, calm, sweet and true
So innocent and small
With not even a single clue
Of the girl who would shock them all

10 years later, what has changed
Why a life full of pain?
Her innocence, sweetness exchanged
Washed straight down the drain.

A life of drugs and drink
Something or anything to block out
A life that seems to sink and sink.
A life that’s filled with doubt.

Another year later, even worse
Another pill, drown the sorrow
Nothing to escape this curse
Hopes to not wake up tomorrow

A never ending dark depression
Forever growing, forever showing
Each day a new confession
Loosing the will to keep on going.

A worthless life full of sadness
Never able to succeed
From the outside it all is madness
A heart that continues to bleed.

Fake a smile everyday
Its easier than to frown
Slowly watch my petals fall away
My whole world fall down.

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We Remember Your Childhood Well

4 March, 2008 at 4:07 pm (Poems) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

Nobody hurt you. Nobody turned off the light and argued
with somebody else all night. The bad man on the moors
was only a movie you saw. Nobody locked the door.Your questions were answered fully. No. That didn’t occur.
You couldn’t sing anyway, cared less. The moment’s a blur, a Film Fun
laughing itself to death in the coal fire. Anyone’s guess.

Nobody forced you. You wanted to go that day. Begged. You chose
the dress. Here are the pictures, look at you. Look at us all,
smiling and waving, younger. The whole thing is inside your head.

What you recall are impressions; we have the facts. We called the tune.
The secret police of your childhood were older and wiser than you, bigger
than you. Call back the sound of their voices. Boom. Boom. Boom.

Nobody sent you away. That was an extra holiday, with people
you seemed to like. They were firm, there was nothing to fear.
There was none but yourself to blame if it ended in tears.

What does it matter now? No, no, nobody left the skidmarks of sin
on your soul and laid you wide open for Hell. You were loved.
Always. We did what was best. We remember your childhood well.

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My View: Knife Crime

27 January, 2008 at 11:11 am (My Views) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

It breaks my heart to see another family torn apart on the news by knife crime in Britain, as Britain is named the Knife Crime capital in the developing world.

Statistics vary, but both the worst-case and the other statistics are far too much.

“A worst case projection indicates that 60,000 young people (predominantly male) may be stabbed and injured in the UK each year”

That’s a shocking 164 a day.


“A rather more conservative estimate could be 22,000.”

That’s 60 a day.

The statistics vary, but there is one thing that doesn’t. Far too many people are injured or killed in Britain due to knife crime. It needs to stop. Knife Crime tears families apart, ends lives, young and old. It takes such a small amount of time to kill someone with a knife, but results in a lifetime of tragedy for the victims family. Even if the attack isn’t fatel, the result stays with the people affected.

Young people are carrying knives without being aware of the consequences. While watching Eastenders this week I watched the stabbing of Jay Brown, played by Jamie Borthwick I am happy that soaps such as Eastenders are bringing these Issues to life, and showing the consequences that carrying a knife can have. The stabbing also highlighted the problems of Gang Crime. Jay told his dad Jase Dyer, that he wasn’t going to use the knife he was carrying. Jase told him that if you carry a knife you will use it, or it will be used against you. Young people don’t seem to understand this concept. The BBC received almost 200 complaints about the episode, saying it was to violent for a 7:oo show, as children could of seen it. Surly if it is tackling knife and gang crime, surely it was beneficial for young people and children to of seen it?

As knife crime continues to rise in Britain, I just hope that this problem can be tackled and controlled to save people being hurt. It is not just teenagers and young people who get affected by this, as highlighted in Eastenders. People of all ages are at risk. It is common these-days to see grieving parents on the news while eating dinner, but there are also children grieving for their parents.

I hope we can see a fall in knife crime soon to save any more hurt and pain that is caused, and families which are torn apart.

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My thoughts on antisocial behaviour in the UK – What i would do if i was Prime Minister.

26 January, 2008 at 9:20 pm (My Life, My Views) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

As a young person in the UK it truly annoys me how much all teenagers get stereotyped as a whole.

Yes there are large groups of teens who go out to create trouble, and are antisocial, but the behaviour is getting out of hand.

When I’m walking home, its common to see groups of teenagers on a street corner, hanging around, smoking, swearing and intimidating members of the public. When a mother and her young child, deliberately cross over the road, to get out of my way then cross back over again when i have walked past, it really annoys me. This was yesterday. I’m not antisocial, neither are most people who live where i do, but all of us get stereotyped because of a small group of people.

Which is why i have decided, if i was prime minister i would change some things.

If i was Prime Minister

  •  More fund raising for charities to help people less fortunate.
  • Cut down on Carbon emissions, and save the environment by making people recycle.
  • All rapists would get life in prison, or death penalty, which would be decided by the victim and the victims family.
  • Better support for teenage and single mums.
  • Better support for people battling addictions, including Drink, Drugs, and support with eating disorders.
  • More punishment for young people, not letting teenagers off with crime just because they are young.
  • No one leaves school with out at least 5 GCSEs, grade A*-C.
  • Raise the school leaving age to 18.
  • Ban smoking.
  • Higher pay for emergency service workers. They deserve more pay for the work they do, what they do is far more beneficial and important than football players.
  • Cut down on immigrants from other countries. Make the UK more of a society like Australia. No illegal immigrants.

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