_ _ _ _ _ ;)

16 June, 2008 at 11:46 pm (Poems) (, )

I love you
Its so simple to say
But i feel i have to tell you
Each and every day
How you put up with me
I will never know
But i really do appreciate it
Please dont ever go
This poem may not rhyme properly
Or even be the best
But it shows how much i love you
Better than the rest


  1. Riccardo said,

    Wow, this one just takes a tear away from my eyes…
    it’s very moving =)

  2. Anastasia said,

    Wow, very nice :i
    I wish I could make things ryhme.. But can’t.. :/
    Even if I try so hard ! It just don’t work šŸ˜¦

    But I love how u write, it’s awesome. Keep the good job up!! šŸ™‚

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