My whole world fall down

16 April, 2008 at 8:54 pm (My Life, Poems) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

The smiling face of yesterday
So innocent and sincere
What a price she had to pay
A life of pain and fear.

Running around her coloured room
A face of happiness, care free
The perfect life, you would assume
Something that would never be.

Only 5, calm, sweet and true
So innocent and small
With not even a single clue
Of the girl who would shock them all

10 years later, what has changed
Why a life full of pain?
Her innocence, sweetness exchanged
Washed straight down the drain.

A life of drugs and drink
Something or anything to block out
A life that seems to sink and sink.
A life that’s filled with doubt.

Another year later, even worse
Another pill, drown the sorrow
Nothing to escape this curse
Hopes to not wake up tomorrow

A never ending dark depression
Forever growing, forever showing
Each day a new confession
Loosing the will to keep on going.

A worthless life full of sadness
Never able to succeed
From the outside it all is madness
A heart that continues to bleed.

Fake a smile everyday
Its easier than to frown
Slowly watch my petals fall away
My whole world fall down.

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