
21 April, 2008 at 6:37 pm (My Life, Poems) (, , , , )

His hand grip around the knife
The handle digs, his fingers tight.
The beat of his heart, like a drum
Pounding… His body numb.
He looses grip, drops the knife
Slowly it rolls, straight out of sight.
He reaches for the rope, ties a knot
Around that neck, the world forgot.
All his life waiting to kick the chair
Now’s the time, hes finally there.
He never even spared a thought
For the pain his death had bought.
Those who loved him, cared the most
Will forever hold him close.


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A poem

18 April, 2008 at 11:23 pm (Poems) (, , , )

He’s my smile in the day
And my smile at night
He takes my pain away
And shows me the light.

He’s my moon, my sea
The sun in my sky
He makes me feel calm and free
And never makes me cry

Everytime i hurt him
It makes me feel so bad
In my life, he’s the best thing
That i ever had.

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My whole world fall down

16 April, 2008 at 8:54 pm (My Life, Poems) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

The smiling face of yesterday
So innocent and sincere
What a price she had to pay
A life of pain and fear.

Running around her coloured room
A face of happiness, care free
The perfect life, you would assume
Something that would never be.

Only 5, calm, sweet and true
So innocent and small
With not even a single clue
Of the girl who would shock them all

10 years later, what has changed
Why a life full of pain?
Her innocence, sweetness exchanged
Washed straight down the drain.

A life of drugs and drink
Something or anything to block out
A life that seems to sink and sink.
A life that’s filled with doubt.

Another year later, even worse
Another pill, drown the sorrow
Nothing to escape this curse
Hopes to not wake up tomorrow

A never ending dark depression
Forever growing, forever showing
Each day a new confession
Loosing the will to keep on going.

A worthless life full of sadness
Never able to succeed
From the outside it all is madness
A heart that continues to bleed.

Fake a smile everyday
Its easier than to frown
Slowly watch my petals fall away
My whole world fall down.

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