Its True

20 January, 2008 at 9:30 pm (Quotes And Sayings) (, , , , , )

if there’s just one peice of advice i can give you, its this –
when there’s something you really want, fight for it, don’t give
no matter how hopeless it seems. and when you’ve lost
, ask yourself if ten years from now, you’re going to wish
you gave it just one more shot. because the best things in
life, they don’t come free
– greys anatomy


Too often the things you want most are the things
you cant have. Desire leaves us heartbroken, it wears
us out. Desire wrecks our lives. But as tough as
wanting something can be, the people who suffer the
are the ones who dont know what they want.
-greys anatomy

1 Comment

  1. breiaunna said,

    woooww ur good(: aahahaa you should add more with pics thoo(:

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